Hello Mt Tabor! The Good News Home in La Grange, a wonderful ministry involved in transitional housing for families, is hoping that we can spread some Christmas cheer and love to local families that they serve.
Want to be the light of Christ in our community? Click on the link below to SignUp Genius and simply click on a child's name, purchase age-appropriate gifts to fill one shoebox (appx $25), wrap the shoebox and label with the child's name, then drop it off at Mt Tabor Church no later than Friday, December 11. My family will be at the church on December 11 between 4-5 PM to receive the boxes to take to the Good News Home. If you need to drop the boxes off earlier, please call/text Heidi 502-919-1644 or Pastor Rodney 859-327-5190 and one of us will meet you at church at your convenience to receive the shoebox. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4AACAE2FA4FC1-good Heidi Starke
Advent 2020 Information and Schedule
Sisters and Brothers, As we move into the Advent Season, we know things are quite different from last year. Even so we will celebrate that the Messiah has come to earth! The theme for this Advent season is “Meeting the King.” What happens when you meet a king? What happens to your life when you have a face to face encounter with the ruler of the universe? Will you remain the same? These are the questions we bring with us into this season of anticipation as look towards the coming of the Messiah. Here are the passages that we will focus on for the coming weeks: November 29: First Sunday of Advent – Psalms 80:1-7 December 6: (Communion) – Second Sunday of Advent – Isaiah 40:1-11 December 13: Third Sunday of Advent - John 1:6–8, 19–28 December 20: Fourth Sunday of Advent - Luke 1:26–38 December 27: Luke 2:22–40 January 3: (Communion) - Epiphany - Matthew 2:1–12 As in years past, we will celebrate the birth of Christ with our annual Christmas Eve Service. The service will be Thursday, December 24 at 7:00 PM. Unless there are some drastic changes with our Covid-19 rate in Oldham, this service will be online at our Facebook Live page. Stay tune for more information. This past year our church has experienced the death of some our beloved friends in our fellowship. For many, this season of celebration will be exceedingly difficult as they continue to walk through grief. To remember and honor those who are no longer with us, we will have our annual Blue Christmas on Sunday, December 13 at 4:00 PM. This will be a time of scripture, music, and meditation as we remember those we have lost in our lives and as a time to find comfort and strength in God’s love as we celebrate the holidays. This service will be online through our Facebook Live page. Finally, it is a tradition in our church for members to use the mailboxes at the church to distribute Christmas cards to different members. Because the building has been closed to in person worship, it will be more difficult for this distribution to occur. On the other hand, this tradition has been a helpful way in keeping our community connected during the Advent season. I do not want to cancel tradition this year, but I am not certain how to do it safely and effectively. Does anyone have any suggestions? I welcome your feedback. May this season of Advent bring renewal to all of us. May we be reminded of God’s faithfulness and activity in our lives as we celebrate the coming of the Messiah. What will happen when we meet the king Rodney Sisters and Brothers,
Because Oldham County has turn red in its Covid-19 incident rate, our worship services will be only online beginning Oct 15. There will be no in person worship services until we move out of the red rate of incidents. I recognize how frustrating this is. I really enjoy worshipping in person with you all. We, however, are following the recommendations of our Kentucky Conference. The worship team will continue to hold a live Facebook service at 10 AM on Sunday. I will continue to send out an email YouTube link once the service has concluded. We appreciate how faithful you all have been in giving of your tithes and offerings. You can continue to give to the church in three (3) ways: by mailing your donations to the church; by setting up a time with me (Rodney) to meet you at the church to receive your donation, or by donating here at our website (a slight fee is deducted for this service). Stay in prayer as we move through these difficult days. Thank for your endurance, faithfulness, and just being downright wonderful people that I am blessed to serve as your pastor. We will get through this. Remember, God says in Revelation that he is making all things new. This is true even when we don't see it at the present moment. We walk by faith not by sight. ---Pastor Rodney Mt Tabor Family,
Each year the Annual Conference does a special offering that focuses on targeted missions. Some are based inside the state, and some are national or international. We would typically gather your offerings and take them with us to the Annual Conference, but this year that is all virtual so the process is different. Here is a synopsis of the missions and the process for this year. All churches in the Kentucky Annual Conference are invited to participate in a mission offering at Annual Conference. The Mission Offering for 2020 Annual Conference will support seven mission agencies that have traditionally been supported by the Kentucky Annual Conference. The seven mission agencies are Hillcrest Bruce, Ida Spence, The Foundry, Nathaniel Mission, Portland Promise, Wesley House, and Lighthouse. Ten percent of the offering will go to support the work of the United Methodist Church in Serbia. Our churches in Serbia, the largest of the countries of the former Yugoslavia, have a dynamic witness among different ethnic groups and languages in that country. Bishop Fairley and members of the extended cabinet have agreed to contribute personally to the Mission Offering. As a group, they have committed to give at least $20,000. Go to the Mission Offering webpage for more information on these groups. Checks should be made out to Kentucky Annual Conference Treasurer, Mission Offering on the memo line. Please mail to: Kentucky Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church attn.: Treasurer 7400 Floydsburg Road Crestwood KY 40014 Dick Bartlett Mt Tabor’s Lay Delegate Kentucky Annual Conference |
December 2020
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